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A member registered Dec 26, 2021

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Thank you for your reply - I was thinking if I can at least edit the name of the foe like I can edit the name of the NPC - that would help - I can use any avatar provided.  Im wondering if we can insert pictures to represent environments in addition to what is already provided.  I am enjoying the system so far.

I do not see any of the Ironsworn foes in the bestiary.  Though the rule set it is there regarding the moves and assets, I do not see any foes - including many NPC Ironlanders,  first born, beasts, and horrors.  Will these be added in the future since the paid version is advertised as being played using Ironsworn environment?  Also NPC roles do not reflect Ironsworn.  Will the NPC roles be expanded for the Ironsworn rule set/environment?